Mobilize Your Church


Churches and Mission Committees

We know that every church is overwhelmed by requests for help from all around the world; each of them from a great work. One old guy would say, we can help anybody, but we can’t help everybody. We know that every week you are forced to wrestle with the huge question; how and where is the best investment of the Lord’s money?

That’s a great question and one that, as church leaders ourselves, we wrestle with ourselves. Of Doctrinal soundness must be considered first and foremost, that is a given. But beyond that where do you go, what do you consider? How can you be sure?

We offer you this information about our work, Liberte’ Ministries, in an effort provide the details we would want to be able to consider ourselves, should we face that decision making process. Before we dive in; of course we will promote our work. Please know that we affirm and hold up the countless incredible works being done by others to take the message of Jesus to the world. We in no way intend to detract from value of any of these works. Nor will we love any brother any less who chooses to direct scarce resources toward some other work. Our primary concern is to take Jesus’ message to the world.

We believe that the answers to some simple questions will help you determine if Liberté Ministries is your “best investment of the Lord’s money?” Please follow the links below for a detailed response to each question.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Liberté Minsitries is overseen by Petersville Church of Christ and a board of directors.

We are currently focusing on Haiti only, but may expand in the future.

Typically, short-term mission trips last roughly 1 week, including travel time.