
About School

Primary School

The Bonnet School began as a dream in the mind of Jean Claubert Belton. During his 20 plus years of service with the church at Bonnet, more and more families, with young children, came to worship there and become part of the Bonnet family. Many of these families expressed concern about the desperate need for affordable, quality education in the community to Jean Claubert. Remember in Haiti there is essentially no government sponsored or public schools. So, educational choices are made even more restricted by high tuition fees. Because of these circumstances many families were forced to choose between their desire to educate their children and the need for the necessities of life.


Jean Claubert took this need to the Lord, beseeching Him for guidance and resources. In time he shared his dream with Harry Hames. Harry and Jean Claubert; working with Healing Hands International, the Organization of American States and private donors, soon broke ground. Within a short time God provided what was needed and the dream of what became Bonnet School became a reality in 2012. Beginning as an Elementary school grade levels are being added as funding allows with the eventual goal of the Bonnet School becoming the only Secondary School within approximately a one hour drive. Tuition is kept as low as possible affording full access to as many children as possible. Ongoing Bible instruction adds to the holistic educational experience provided by our top notch staff and administration. Currently in Haiti, 70% of the children who begin first grade do not complete sixth grade. One of our primary concerns is reversing that enrollment falloff. Education is not only the key to economic freedom; it is the key to experiencing the Word of God and His freedom: “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” – (Galatians 5:1)

As the work grew and doors opened God provided an opportunity for involvement in Harry’s Home for Children and Bonnette school. Serving 25 children, the children’s home will provide a safe and secure home for children in need. The elementary school not only offers education to the children living in the home but also to children in the Bonnette community. Capacity for the school is 350 children.

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Liberté Minsitries is overseen by Petersville Church of Christ and a board of directors.

We are currently focusing on Haiti only, but may expand in the future.

Typically, short-term mission trips last roughly 1 week, including travel time.